Stearns County League

Stats (Leaders)

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 3.1 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
1. Nathan Terres, SH 0
2. Jamie Terres, SH 0
3. Eric Terres, SH 0
4. Kevin Kuefler, EL 0
5. Brandon Roelike, EL 0
Hit By Pitch HBP
1. Kevin Kuefler, EL 1
2. Luke Illies, EL 1
3. Sam Rieland, SH 1
4. Grant Moscho, GW 1
5. Cole Schmitz, RI 1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Devin Orbeck, SH 2
2. Logan Funk, NM 2
3. Anthony Revermann, SH 2
4. Ethan Meyer, SH 2
5. Riley Elfering, MG 2
Batting Average AVG
1. Brandon Holm, NM 1.000
2. Jamie Terres, SH 1.000
3. Gabe Schwieters, GW .750
4. Justin Schroeder, RI .667
5. Kevin Kuefler, EL .667
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Brandon Holm, NM 1.000
2. Jamie Terres, SH 1.000
3. Kevin Kuefler, EL .750
4. Gabe Schwieters, GW .750
5. Connor Dols, RI .667
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Brandon Holm, NM 1.667
2. Jamie Terres, SH 1.333
3. Gabe Schwieters, GW 1.000
4. Kevin Kuefler, EL .667
5. Casey Lenarz, EL .667
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Brandon Holm, NM 2.667
2. Jamie Terres, SH 2.333
3. Gabe Schwieters, GW 1.750
4. Kevin Kuefler, EL 1.417
5. Justin Schroeder, RI 1.333
Note: A minimum of 1 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Games Started GS
1. Ethan Vogt, EL 1
2. Matt Imdieke, MG 1
3. Ty Reller, NM 1
4. Grant Moscho, GW 1
5. DJ Schleicher, RI 1
Complete Games CG
1. Ethan Vogt, EL 0
2. Matt Imdieke, MG 0
3. Ty Reller, NM 0
4. Jim Thull, NM 0
5. Josh Olmscheid, MG 0
Innings Pitched IP
1. Anthony Revermann, SH 6.1
2. Ethan Vogt, EL 6.0
3. Matt Imdieke, MG 5.0
4. DJ Schleicher, RI 5.0
5. Tyler Hoffman, GW 4.2
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Ty Reller, NM 6
2. Matt Imdieke, MG 3
3. Grant Moscho, GW 3
4. Carter Tschida, SH 2
5. DJ Schleicher, RI 2
Earned Run Average ERA
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP